Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Verificar demoras en puentes México y Estados Unidos
Verificar demoras en puentes Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos Los fines de semana y en los dà as de fiestas el cruce de Mà ©xico a Estados Unidos se puede poner terrible, con horas de espera en los puentes internacionales para pasar por el control migratorio. Para evitar estas demoras es importante saber cunto es el retraso en cada punto de la frontera y, en las ciudades con varios puentes -como en el caso de Laredo- cul tomar.à Adems de explicar en este artà culo cules son los pasos a seguir para verificar los retrasos en los puentes internacionales en este artà culo se informa sobre temas importantes para la frontera, como por ejemplo, quà © documentos se pueden utilizar para cruzarla legalmente, quà © consideraciones deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de ingresar a Estados Unidos diversos artà culos. Y finalmente, dà ³nde es posible encontrar retenes migratorios ms all de la frontera, es decir, en el interior de Estados Unidos. Pgina para saber cà ³mo est la frontera y reporte actualizado de tiempo de espera La pgina de Best Time to Cross de Border brinda informacià ³n que incluye: El tiempo actual de demora (Current Wait)La à ºltima vez que la informacià ³n fue actualizada (Last updated)El nà ºmero de personas cruzando por ese punto (User reported)Y el nà ºmero de là neas abiertas (Lanes open) Adems, se puede personalizar la bà ºsqueda eligiendo entre: Tipo de auto: pasajeros (passenger) o comercial)à Tipo de cruce: regular (standard), Nexus/Sentri Cà ³mo se utiliza esta aplicacià ³n para saber tiempos de demora en cruce de frontera Donde pone Mexican Border, hacer click. A continuacià ³n se abre un menà º con las opciones de: Arizona/SonoraCalifornia/Baja CaliforniaNew Mà ©xico/ChihuahuaTexas/Chihuahuaà Texas/CoahuilaTexas/Nuevo Leà ³nTexas/Tamaulipas Elegir la que aplica y se abre otro menà º, con todas las opciones de cruce entre el estado mexicano y el de EU que se elige. Descargar la aplicacià ³n de Best Time to Cross de Border Si se desea poder acceder fcilmente a esa informacià ³n desde un telà ©fono celular o tableta, se puede descargar la aplicacià ³n: Para iPhones y Ipad en la iTunes store.Para celulares o tablets con sistema operativo Android, como por ejemplo, los Samsung en la Google Play. Peajes en los puentes internacionales Se puede pagar en efectivo o sistemas electrà ³nicos. Uno de los sistemas ms comunes es el AVI (cà ³digo de barras) que se utiliza tanto para ingresar a EU como para ingresar a Mà ©xico. Tiempos de espera para peatones Si se cruza a pie, se pueden verificar los tiempos de espera en la pgina de la Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP). Hay que elegir la opcià ³n de pedestrians y tambià ©n la de la aduana, dentro de donde dice Mexican Border Ports of Entry. Horarios de las oficinas migratorias en los puentes internacionales Algunos puentes de cruce estn abiertos las 24 horas del dà a, pero las oficinas tienen horarios ms limitados. Si es necesario hacer trmites migratorios especà ficos con un agente de inmigracià ³n, consultar antes dichos horarios. Puentes en El Paso (El Norte/Santa Fe, Stanton Street Bridge, Ysleta/Zaragoza).Puentes en Laredo (Puente I Gateway to the Americas, Puente II -Jurez-Lincoln International, Puente III - Colombia Solidarity, Puente IV World Trade Bridge, sà ³lo para trfico comercial este à ºltimo). Tipos de lineas para cruzar Al llegar al puesto de control migratorio terrestre es posible encontrar varias là neas en las que esperar para cruzar. El nà ºmero y tipo de las mismas depende del punto de cruce. Las clases de là nea son: Vehà culos comercialesAutos de pasajerosCruce de peatones Cada uno de ellos puede dividirse en varias subcategorà as, como por ejemplo Maximum Lane, Standard Lane, Ready Lane o FAST/Sentri lane. Pueden utilizar la Ready Lane los vehà culos cuyos pasajeros mayores de 16 aà ±os cuenten todos con documento que puede ser leà do por una mquina conocido como RFID por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Son documentos RFID los siguientes documentos: tarjetas de pasaporte de EE.UU., licencias de manejar mejoradas, tarjetas tribales mejoradas, tarjetas de cruce de frontera mejoradas, tarjetas de residencia mejoradas o una tarjeta del Programa de Viajero de Confianza, es decir, SENTRI, NEXUS, FAST o Global Entry. Documentos para cruzar la frontera incluidos casos de infantes Para ingresar a los Estados Unidos es necesario contar con un documento que lo permita. Para los ciudadanos estadounidenses las opciones son varias, siendo las ms comunes el pasaporte o tarjeta de pasaporte de los Estados Unidos o la tarjeta SENTRI. Tambià ©n se admiten las licencias de manejar mejoradas (enhanced en inglà ©s) de determinados estados para regresar a EE.UU. desde Mà ©xico por tierra o mar. En la actualidad, solo los estados de Michigan, Minnesota, Nueva York, Vermont y Washington ofrecen este tipo de documentacià ³n. Los residentes permanentes utilizan la green card y el resto de los extranjeros deben utilizar un pasaporte de otro paà s con documentacià ³n que autorice el ingreso, como por ejemplo una visa regular. Si son ciudadanos de uno de los 38 paà ses miembros del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados no necesitan visa pero sà llenar el formulario I-94. En el caso de mexicanos que viven cerca de la frontera se utiliza frecuentemente una visa lser, tambià ©n conocida como de Cruce, debe saberse elà mximo en millas dentro de Estados Unidosà que se puede ingresar. Tambià ©n hay que tener en cuenta que si se ingresa todos los dà as a estudiar, debe utilizarse una visa de estudiante. Hay varias posibles, por ejemplo, la F-3 que es poco conocida pero merece la pena familiarizarse con ella. Y tambià ©n es vlido utilizar la tarjeta SENTRI para acelerar el paso. Finalmente, los ciudadanos estadounidenses que cruzan esta frontera deben saber quà © documentos que pueden utilizar para regresar a su paà s y cules son las reglas que aplican a los infantesà que viajan sin estar acompaà ±ados de sus dos padres. Tener presente que Mà ©xico establece reglas ms restrictivas para sacar de su paà s a los nià ±os. Si los menores no viajan acompaà ±ados de sus dos paps, se debe llenar el formato SAMà (autorizacià ³n de salida de Mà ©xico).à Y deben hacer tres tantos. Para mayor informacià ³n sobre este requisito, comunicarse gratuitamente al nà ºmero 01800 00 46264. Recuperacià ³n de impuestos y artà culos permitidos Es cierto que Texas permite los turistas internacionales recuperar los impuestos a las ventas por los artà culos comprados en ese estado. De hecho, sà ³lo Texas y Luisiana lo permiten. Sin embargo hay una gran limitacià ³n para determinar quià ©nes se pueden beneficiar de esa regla. Y es que sà ³lo pueden solicitar que les regresen sus impuestos a las ventas los turistas internacionales que llegaron por avià ³n a Texas y tienen boletos para regresarse a sus paà ses de la misma manera. Es decir, los turistas que llegan por carretera no pueden recuperar sus impuestos. Asimismo, debe siempre respetarse y conocerà que est prohibido traer a EU. Por regla general, las mascotas se pueden ingresar sin problemas.à Pero hay restricciones.à Finalmente, tener en cuenta que los controles migratorios internos pueden establecerse en cualquier punto dentro de 100 millas de distancia de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico. Cruce en frontera terrestre entre EE.UU. y Mà ©xico La frontera terrestre entre EE.UU. se extiende por 3.145 kmEs la frontera internacional ms transitada del mundo, con ms de 350 millones de cruces legales anualmente.El puesto fronterizo ms utilizado es San Ysidro, que comunica California con Tijuana. Cada dà a es cruzada por ms de 25.000 peatones y 50.000 vehà culos.Los cargos ms pesados estn autorizados a cruzar por Nuevo Mà ©xico. Este es un artà culo informativo. no es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings
Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings By Maeve Maddox One of the more interesting aspects of the changes that take place in English from generation to generation is the fact that as spellings change to conform to modern usage, some of the old forms stick around with different connotations or meanings. Two words for angel that came into English from Hebrew have plural forms ending in -im: cherub/cherubim and seraph/seraphim. In angel lore, a seraph is a fiery six-winged angel who guards Gods throne. A cherub ranks just below a seraph and has two large wings, a human head, and animal body. A cherub is the guardian of a sacred place. Seraph has not entered into general use, but in modern English cherub refers to the image of a pretty Cupid-like child with wings, or to the little faces with wings one sees as architectural decorations. A child with a beautiful, innocent face can be called a cherub. For these modern uses the plural of cherub is cherubs. The earlier plural of brother was brethren, a form still seen in the King James version of the Bible and still to be found in sermons and some religious writing. It suggests spiritual kinship. The plural fishes for fish has a kind of Biblical ring to it, as in the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Pence as the plural of penny is still used in Britain while Americans say pennies. The word dice is the plural of die: a cube with spots used in gaming. Die can also refer to an instrument used in manufacturing. The plural of that kind of die is dies. Some other words with more than one plural form: formula formulas formulae: The Latin plural formulae is often preferred by scientific writers. index indexes indices: The plural indices has a specialized mathematical meaning (a number or symbol or expression written to the left or right of and above or below or otherwise associated with another number or symbol or expression to indicate use or position in an arrangement or expansion or to indicate a mathematical operation to be performed). staff staffs staves: The plural staffs is the modern choice, whether youre talking about a group of workers or a stick used as a walking aid. If youre writing an historical novel, however, Robin Hood and Little John would fight with staves. The word stave occurs as a singular musical term. It is also the word for one of the strips of wood used to make a barrel. The plural of stave is staves. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T""Replacement for" and "replacement of"How to Punctuate Introductory Phrases
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Recuitment & selectionCMI LEVEL 3 DiPLOMA Assignment
Recuitment & selectionCMI LEVEL 3 DiPLOMA - Assignment Example The process of hiring the candidates starts with human resource planning which helps to determine the type and number of employees an organization needs. Hiring is an ongoing process and not confined to the formative stages of an organization. This is because some employees leave the organization through retirement and resignation. The process stops only when the organization ceases to exist. Answer 2 It is regarded as the systematic process of identifying jobs to identify the various activities, tasks and responsibilities which are associated with a particular job or a particular group of jobs. The main purpose of the job description is to gather information systematically, focus on behaviour, tasks and outcomes. Although, it is not the analysis of work process yet it helps in defining the job related to the process the work behaviour (Bennett, 2002). Job analysis will help in the analysis of various organizational purposes that provides a fundamental basis for managerial decision m aking. It also helps the manager for various fundamental bases for legal decision making and develops broader decision classification. It helps the managers largely to classify the various jobs according to various categories and then adapt to the changing world dynamics. For conducting an accurate job analysis a systematic flowchart needs to be drawn which help in drawing out reliable information (Price, 2011). Answer 3 Job description can be clearly defined as a clear and concise description of the job duties and responsibilities. The job description can take various forms and they are composed of four elements (Choi, Woods and Murrmann, 2000). These include job summary, list of job functions, requirement sections and other information. The main objective of the job description would include task of finding, interviewing and also makes the hiring and selection process easier and smooth. These job descriptions also serve important purposes like communicating job expectation to the employees, measuring future performance, planning of future and also boosting the employee morale. Answer 4 Person specification includes the skills that the job candidates have in order to accomplish the tasks effectively for a designation offered by the company. The person specification can outline the basic qualification, training expertise, experience and much other personal specification. These describe the job requirements which a job holder needs to possess to execute the job actions smoothly. Basically, these person specifications include the educational, qualification, training, experience and varied other personal attributes. The most important methods of creating the advertisement would be to make them understand that they can undertake the job responsibility dutifully. Task B Presently, there had been a sudden vacancy in the organization for the post of the receptionist and the process of recruitment of receptionist would be as per the requirements of the organization. T he process of recruitment would be as follows: Firstly, a group of prospective candidates are selected for screening and interview purposes to assess their degree of qualities and knowledge in terms of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
All Museums Should Be Free Of Charge All The Time Essay
All Museums Should Be Free Of Charge All The Time - Essay Example Museums are repositories of knowledge and through them, we discover and find out important aspects of our civilization. Free access to museums would help a greater number of people to learn and discover additional things about their country and help to encourage feelings of nationwide unity and identity, at the same time as promoting greater comprehension and acceptance of foreign cultures. A number of museums in the United States have made an entry for the public free of charge. These museums generally use the city and county tax collections for funding their maintenance. The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore has eliminated entry charges. Since it has an internationally renowned collection of art, the removal of admission charges would bring a greater number of people in contact with the culture of the world. The museum has a collection of a variety of world art spanning from pre-dynastic Egypt to Europe belonging to the twentieth century. It treasures a priceless collection of Greek sculptures and Roman sarcophagi; ivories of the Middle Ages and Old Master paintings; jewelry from Art Deco and nineteenth-century American and European masterpieces (Smith; The Walters Art Museum). The Toledo Art Museum in Ohio follows a free admission policy laid down in its charter of 1901, the year of its establishment. It has a huge collection of European and American paintings, glass works, Roman, Greek, Asian, African and medieval art and sculptures as well as modern and contemporary works. The Toledo Museum of Art still remains as a private, non-profit foundation and exhibits its collection to the public, free of admission charges and is open six days a week (Museum Home). The St. Louis Art Museum also guarantees free entries to the museum. This policy came up after they started using the county and city tax revenue in 1971.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Inventory Control Essay Example for Free
Inventory Control Essay Read the case study below ââ¬Å"Harvey Industriesâ⬠. Provide reasoning for the current financial distress of the company and make recommendations for improvements to the new company president. Include at least one specific recommendation for both Supply Chain Management (chapter 15) and Inventory Management (chapter 13), as well as any other recommendations you deem necessary from your reading. Provide your recommendations in a 2-4 page APA style paper. Harvey Industries Background Harvey Industries, a Wisconsin company, specializes in the assembly of high-pressure washer systems and in the sale of repair parts for these systems. The products range from small portable high-pressure washers to large industrial installations for snow removal from vehicles stored outdoors during the winter months. Typical uses for high-pressure water cleaning include: AutomobilesAirplanes Building maintenanceBarns EnginesIce cream plants Lift trucksMachinery Swimming pools Industrial customers include General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Delta Airlines, United Parcel Service, and Shell Oil Company. Although the industrial applications are a significant part of its sale, Harvey Industries is primarily an assembler of equipment for coin operated self-service car wash systems. The typical car wash is of concrete block construction with an equipment room in the center, flanked on either side by a number of bays. The cars are driven into the bays where the owner can wash and wax the car, utilizing high-pressure hot water and liquid wax. A dollar bill changer is available to provide change for the use of the equipment and the purchase of various products from dispensers. The products include towels, tire cleaner, and upholstery cleaner. In recent years Harvey Industries has been in financial difficulty. The company has lost money for three of the last four years, with the last yearââ¬â¢s loss being $17,174 on sales of $1,238,674.à Inventory levels have been steadily increasing to their present levels of $124,324. The company employs 23 people with the management team consisting of the following key employees: president, sales manager, manufacturing manager, controller, and purchasing manager. The abbreviated organization chart reflects the reporting relationship of the key employees and the three individuals who report directly to the manufacturing manager. Current Inventory Control System The current inventory control ââ¬Å"systemâ⬠consists of orders for stock replenishment being made by the stockroom foreman, the purchasing manager, or the manufacturing manager whenever one of them notices that the inventory is low. An order for replenishment of inventory is also placed whenever someone (either a customer or an employee in the assembly area) wants an item and it is not in stock. Some inventory is needed for the assembly of the high-pressure equipment for the car wash and industrial applications. There are current and accurate bills of material for these assemblies. The material needs to support the assembly schedule are generally known well in advance of the build schedule. The majority of inventory transactions are for repair parts and for supplies used by the car washes, such as paper towels, detergent, and wax concentrate. Because of the constant and rugged use of the car wash equipment, there is a steady demand for the various repair parts. The stockroom is well organized, with parts stored in locations according to each vendor. The number of vendors is relatively limited, with each vendor generally supplying many different parts. For example, the repair parts from Allen Bradley, a manufacturer of electrical motors, are stocked in the same location. These repair parts will be used to provide service for the many electrical motors that are part of the high-pressure pump and motor assembly used by all of the car washes. Because of the heavy sales volume of repair parts, there are generally two employees working in the stockroom- a stockroom foreman who reports to the manufacturing manager and an assistant to the foreman. One of these two employees will handle customer orders. Many customers stop by and order the parts and supplies they need. Telephone orders are also received and are shipped by United Parcel Service the same day. The assembly area has some inventory stored on the shop floor. This inventory consists of low-valueà items that are used every day, such as nuts, bolts, screws, and washers. These purchased items do not amount to very much dollar volume throughout the year. Unfortunately, oftentimes the assembly area is out of one of these basic items and this causes a significant amount of downtime for the assembly lines. Paperwork is kept to a minimum. A sales slip listing the part numbers and quantities sold to a customer is generally made out for each sale. If the assembly department needs items that are not stocked on the assembly floor, someone from that department will enter the stockroom and withdraw the necessary material. There is no paperwork made out for the items needed on the assembly floor. There were 973 different part numbers purchased for stock last year and those purchases amounted to $314,673. An analysis of inventory records shows that $220,684 was spent on just 179 of the part numbers. Fortunately for Harvey Industries, most of the items they purchase are stocked by either the manufacturer or by a wholesaler. When it is discovered that the company is out of stock on an item, it generally takes only two or three days to replenish the stock. Due to the companyââ¬â¢s recent losses, its auditing firm became concerned about the companyââ¬â¢s ability to continue in business. Recently the company sold off excess vacant land adjoining its manufacturing facility to generate cash to meet its financial obligations. New President Because of the recent death of the owner, the trust department of a Milwaukee Bank (as trustee for the estate) has taken over the companyââ¬â¢s affairs and has appointed a new company president. The new president has identified many problem areas- one of which is improper inventory control. He has retained you as a consultant to make specific recommendations concerning a revised inventory control system. What are your recommendations and rationale? Harvey Industries is a Wisconsin company that specializes in the assembly of high-pressure washer systems and in the sale of repair parts for these systems. With the recent death of the owner, the trust department of a Milwaukee Bank, the trusty for the estate, has taken over the companyââ¬â¢s affairs and has appointed a new company president who has identified many problem areas such as improper inventory control and has asked me as a consultant to make specific recommendations concerning a revised inventoryà control system. After reviewing the companyââ¬â¢s current inventory control I would recommend that it would be very important for them to establish good communication with the supply chain because they need to know what the demand would be for each of the parts so that they can forecast the needs so that they can plan ahead and order the necessary materials and supplies do that they do not have to wait three days for the messing parts. Currently the inventory control ââ¬Å"systemâ⬠consists of orders for stock replenishment being made by the stockroom foreman, the purchasing manager, or the manufacturing manager whenever one of them notices that the inventory is low. An order for replenishment of inventory is also placed whenever someone (either a customer or an employee in the assembly area) wants an item and it is not in stock. I would recommend changing this system, they need to establish the number of parts that would be needed in a weekly basis and replenish as the item is used so that they do not run out of the necessary parts and supplies. The company currently employs 23 people with the management team consisting of the following key employees: president, sales manager, manufacturing manager, controller, and purchasing manager. The abbreviated organization chart reflects the reporting relationship of the key employees and the three individuals who report directly to the manufacturing manager. I would recommend having different departments manufacturing, sales department for repair parts and sales department for supplies. All three departments need to be in communication with the purchasing manager that will need to be informed in order to make all the necessary purchases to maintain an appropriate inventory for all three departments. This will help save the company some money on payroll. I would also recommend that the inventory for the manufacturing department be kept in the warehouse as well as the other items that way there can be more control on the parts that go out so that they can be promptly replenish. Currently the stockroom is well organized, with parts stored in locations according to each vendor. The number of vendors is relatively limited, with each vendor generally supplying many different parts. However they could also separate the parts and supplies per department so that it would be easier to find and less man power would be needed creating a saving in payroll and payroll taxes. References Stevenson, W.J. (2011). Operations management (11th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill/Irwin
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay --
Ghana is a country located on the west coast of Africa, the Gold Coast. Known for having the best oil reserves in the world, Ghanaââ¬â¢s other exports such as timber, diamond, manganese, cocoa, gold, and bauxite are what feed the countryââ¬â¢s economy. The main source of aluminum comes from the aluminum ore, Bauxite. Bauxite was first discovered by Sir Albert Kitson in the year 1914. Although found in 1914, it took 14 years for the mining of Bauxite was allowed by the British Aluminum Company, this mining took place at Awaso. The British original source of bauxite was France until theyââ¬â¢re supply was caught off during World War II. Once again, after being given the ââ¬Å"okâ⬠to begin mining, it took until the 1940s, when a railroad was built connecting Awaso with a port in Takowardi, for Ghana to actually begin the mining of 1974, Ghana received 55% of the British Aluminum Companies shares and in the same year, the International Bauxite Association accepted Ghana as member. The purpose of the International Bauxite Association association was to logically maintain and promote the trade and development of the bauxite industry. In 1941 the Ghana Bauxite Company began working on the mining site in Awaso and has been ever since. It is said that the site in Awaso, after all these years of mining, has reserves of Bauxite to last over 3 more decades. In other areas of Ghana including regions of Ejuanema, Nyinahin, and Kibi,, there are some reserves that are said to be capable of lasting over a century. These reserves are capable of lasting for such long periods of time due to the majority of mining that occurs at Awaso. Ghanaââ¬â¢s first president, Kwame Nikrumah, had dreams of industrializing the country in order make forward strides toward a m... ... to the local levels? These regions suffered severely due to the degradation of air, water and the environment due to mining activities. These areas gain nothing from the mining of bauxite. Living conditions in these areas have nearly deteriorated. With all of the pollution from the mining there have been many health impacts on the societies that surround these mining areas such as skin diseases and malaria. With all of the production it would be expected that there would be many job opportunities but all of the mining generated no employment. Between 1992 and 1998 over 1,000 jobs were lost in the Tarkwa mining region. Next to farming, Mining is the most important aspect of Ghanaââ¬â¢s foundation. Bauxite mining had huge economic and social impacts on Ghana. Although some were more negative than others, it is apparent how important the mining had been to the nation.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
12 Angry Men by Sidney Lumet Essay
In the field of psychology and psychiatry, the trend has always been towards individual therapy. The trend in psychoanalysis has always focused in the individual that the individual role and participation in society has been deemed as secondary. However, recently the trend has been moving towards the group with consideration to an individualââ¬â¢s psychology having full bearing to the manner in which he interacts and participates in his society. Irvin D. Yalom has stated that there are 12 therapeutic factors involved in group psychotherapy. To be able to fully understand these concepts, a study of the movie 12 Angry Men will be analyzed in the point of view of Yalomââ¬â¢s factors. The movie 12 Angry Men by Sidney Lumet is about a jury of 12 men trying to decide the fate of an 18 year old boy who has been accused of murdering his own father. The whole movie takes place in the jury room where all 12 men are locked inside until such time that a unanimous verdict has been reached. The movie begins with 11 of the members of the jury voting that the child is guilty. The story then revolves on the process by which the 12th member, played by Henry Fonda, is able to change the verdict into a not guilty decision. See more:à The 3 Types of Satire Essay The movie becomes a perfect example of Yalomââ¬â¢s factors as well as group therapy as the dynamics that occur within the group slowly shows how each personââ¬â¢s subjective psychology and personality is brought into the interaction of the group which eventually finalizes the decision of the group. Four of Yalomââ¬â¢s factors are most apparent in the movie ââ¬â Group Cohesiveness, Interpersonal Learning, and Catharsis and Existential factors. Group cohesiveness. There are two kinds of cohesiveness and what differentiates the two is the reason for which that group stays together. The two kinds are emotion-related and task related. Emotion-related is the kind of group cohesion founded on emotional connection and feelings members have for the other members of the group. Task-related cohesion is founded on the goals that the group has set for themselves and the achievement of these goals is what makes the group cohesive. In the case of 12 Angry Men, the only similarity that these 12 men have is that they are all members of the jury for this particular case. In the beginning, as each member enters the room, a discussion of past jury duties are discussed and this duty served as a commonality between all the members of the jury. This commonality is a superficial factor that added to the groupââ¬â¢s cohesion. The main factor is that they all share the same goal which is to reach a verdict. The cohesion of the group is further enforced by the fact that the door is locked and the group cannot leave until such time that they all agree on the verdict without contest. The locked door forced them to become cohesive as well as the duty to decide on the fate of the 18year old boy. Interpersonal Learning. Interpersonal learning can be achieved with either an input of information, wherein people learn from the feedback that the other members in the group provide, or from an output of information wherein the environment provides an outlet where members can interact with each other openly and adaptively. Without the output Interpersonal Learning, the ability for the members to open up will be hindered and thus input interpersonal learning will be greatly limited as the people will hold their thoughts and not give the proper feedback required for the others to be able to learn from the experience. In the case of the movie, the initial environment was conducive to any of the jury members to open up. As a matter of fact, the initial environment was quite aloof to the point of hostile. The hostility burst forth as one member dissented from the majority vote. This same factor that caused the hostility, however, is the same factor that created the environment for the members of the jury to open up. Because of Henry Fondaââ¬â¢s character who refused to give a guilty verdict, a discussion ensued which allowed every single person in that jury to give his reasoning as to why a guilty verdict should be decided upon. With every single justification, more information is given out by the people from which the others give a reaction. This reaction serves as the feedback required for people to learn from. Within the group there are passive members who just listen instead of fully participating in the interaction. Although, they remain passive, learning is still occurring. Through the interaction of the others in the group, individuals are allowed to assess their own beliefs passively in relation to the discussion going on. This passivity was most apparent in the characters of John Fiedler (Juror #2), Edward Binns (Juror #6) and Robert Webber (Juror #12). They were not fully active in the discussion but whose decisions were based on the learning that occurred due to the interaction of the other members around them. Catharsis. Catharsis is the purging of strong emotions regarding the past or the present. There are different ways to achieve catharsis. Some express their emotions through art and literature. The most common, however, is just simply talking about it and having a good cry about the situation. In the case of a group, catharsis can occur through the constant interaction that comes into a group. In a sense, to fully achieve catharsis in a group setting, interpersonal learning is required. It is only through an environment when people are open and are allowed to give feedbacks that the opportunity to let go of strong emotions occur. In the movie, 12 Angry Men, a lot of the jurors have their own personal problems. The characters of Lee Cobb (Juror #3), Jack Klugman (Juror #6), Ed Begley (Juror #10) and George Voskovec (Juror #11) all had strong emotions rooted in their past that was brought to the fore because of the case of the 18 year old boy and the discussion to reach a verdict. Klugman, Begley and Voskovecââ¬â¢s issues were mainly rooted in discrimination and prejudice. Klugman had issues about slum children being discriminated as criminals when he was brought up in the slums; Begley based on his experiences, had a strong prejudice against poor people; while Voskovecââ¬â¢s issues deal with the fact that like the poor he is being discriminated as a foreigner/immigrant. The one who achieved the strongest catharsis was the character of Cobb has he experienced problems with his own son and was still having problems with his son. With Cobb, he was trying to get his anger towards his son out on the 18 year old boy who he found ungrateful for killing his father. He didnââ¬â¢t care much about the facts but cared only of exacting his revenge towards ungrateful children on the accused. With the constant deliberation as to the verdict, eventually, the truth came out and he was able to fully purge his emotions and give a rational verdict of not guilty. His breakdown was a sign of his complete catharsis regarding the matter of his son as this showed the realization of his problem as well as the release of it. Existential factors. Existential factors refer to the groupââ¬â¢s acceptance of life responsibilities. Initially, the jury was not accepting the responsibility of deciding on the life of the 18 year old boy. They casually decided that he was guilty simply because they had better things to do. It is only Henry Fondaââ¬â¢s character that made them realize the gravity of their decision. He alone made them accept the groupââ¬â¢s responsibility over the life and death of an 18 year old boy. As this was accepted, the group in earnest was able to weigh the pros and cons of the situation, re-assess the case in depth as well as analyze their selves and their own lives and make a true decision based on all these factors that affect both their life and the life of the accused boy. In conclusion, the trend in psychology is changing from individual psychoanalysis to group psychotherapy and rightly so as in the present group interaction and group dynamics can be found in almost any institution of society. Moreover, these groups have a great bearing on the lives of the people both as individuals as well as a whole society. The movie 12 Angry Men is a perfect example of the necessity of group psychotherapy as well as an example of how the therapeutic factors work in a given situation for a group. Sometimes, these factors are unconsciously done without the presence of a supervisor or counselor as witnessed in the movie. Notwithstanding, the movie has shown how important it is to have group psychotherapy as there are times where a group can decide on whether or not a person should continue living or should be punished by death.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Football Head Essay
Football is an all American sport that has led to the downfall of many great athletes who have suffered from the sport in a psychological and physical manner. Football is a dangerous sport that is only played by one country, the U.S.A. Realistically, banning the sport is almost near impossible, but there should be regulations to the sport if that people would have to meet in order to insure safety and knowledgeable facts about the sport. Football is not meant for children, the players should have a full understanding of the game and of the danger that it can entails. If a child would like to play football, the child should at least be fourteen years old, and at fourteen years old, the children must watch a film that fully describes and informs the participant of the dangers of football and the effects it can have on the brain and on the body. Football can start at a very early age, children as young as five are playing the sport in a league with other children where they beat, push, and knock down other children their age. This is very problematic and dangerous to the childââ¬â¢s long-term memory; the brain of an average person does not fully develop until the person is at least twenty years old. When children begin to beat each other at a young age, they are starting the decaying process of their own brains. Concussions are always trying to be avoided during games, but the pre-concussive hits are just as concerning and alarming as concussions. Football players who have never had concussions are now being diagnosed of chronic traumatic encepha lopathy (CTE). CTE is a degenerative brain disease that is caused from repeated constant head trauma. If children begin playing football as early as five years old, they will begin the process of CTE. Violent games are not suitable for children, at five years old, violence and aggressiveness should not be a priority of a child, and school and education should always be their top priority. If adults choose to play this sport, the NFL needs to accept and admit that football is a violent game and that it can cause long term damages to the brain and body.à The NFL refutes the arguments about CTE and long term damaging effects football has on the brain by stating there are fully aware of the risks. Football players report that it is their choice to play football and that they are fully aware of the risks that are in play. However, concussions are the breaking points to a damaging mind, football players often confess to playing a game injured and from suffering a concussion while playing. For example, Richard Sherman explains in the article, ââ¬Å"Why We Chose the Professionâ⬠, that due to a concussion; he was left blind for half of an entire football game. However, he goes on to state that if he had taken himself out of the game, that the legend of the boom would never have been born, this was when he had his first in game interception. Another player who once raved and bragged about the sport was Junior Seau. Junior Seau was one of the greatest football players in the NFL, he was a legend and he too ââ¬Å"fully understoodâ⬠the risks and dangers of playing in football. He once bragged in a documentary about the perfect tackle, and how he understood that due to the love he had for the sport, his life would be shorten and that he would have limited mobility. However, he did not once ever consider that the sport would cause him to have irrational mood swings, suffer from depression and eventually cause him to take his own life. Football players claim to be fully ââ¬Å"informedâ⬠of the sport and understand the consequences it can have on their lives, but the NFL is withholding serious information that players are finding out when it is too late. If a person chooses to play the sport, then they must fully understand the fame, the consequences, and discuss with their families, families can fall apart just as easily as the players mind and body. Football is known to cause CTE, but there are other long term damaging effects that players have still not been informed of by the NFL. Football has been detected to cause early signs of Alzheimer, Dementia, and physical disabilities. According to the article, ââ¬Å"Study: No Proof that Football Causes Alzheimerââ¬â¢s or CTEâ⬠was posted in the Cincinnati Bengals, the NFL had a $765 million settlement with retired football players that claimed that they were not fully informed of the risks that came into play when they ran onto the field. Once football players heard of the first few cases of CTE that were diagnosed in retired football players, the players began wondering if the NFL was aware of the causes of football and the long term effects it had on the players. The NFL had also denied all theà claims of the relation from CTE, Dementia, and Alzheimer to football. However, the NFL later revealed a study conducted by themselves that later revealed that football had caused early cases of Dementia, a brain disease that could have been avoided if the NFL had bother sharing the information with their teams and coaches. The NFL however eventually denied their own study as well. In time, the NFL attempted to share information about precautions they were taking in order to ensure the players safety. In pamphlets they distributed to players, they attempted to underplay the dangers of concussions by stating that concussions cannot cause any type of long-term damage. The NFL also conducted their own study, in which they concluded that if a football player endures a concussion in the middle of the game that the player could return to that same game even play in the game where he experienced the concussion. The NFL conducted their own research and discovered the damaging effects of football and the toll it has on the body, and now that players are taking action against the NFL, they are denying the accusations and ignoring their repercussions that have been waiting for them for much too long. Football is a sport, nothing more, and yet it can change a personââ¬â¢s life severely. If a person chooses to play the sport, knowing the facts, the diseases, and the immobility they can endure later in life, then they should be allowed to play. Football is a dangerous sport, people can choose to play or choose to live, but that is a choice when a player decides to walk onto that field or when they decide to walk off that field. It is an American tradition that should not be banned, but it should be limited. This is a game with a lot of fans, and yet many of them who follow the sport have no idea of the football players that are suffering because of it, which is the real shame. Play football, but know the risks. Works Cited Gladwell, . ââ¬Å"Offensive Play.â⬠ N.p., 19 Oct. 2009. Web. 9 Mar. 2014. Sherman, Richard. ââ¬Å"We Chose This Profession.â⬠The MMQB. N.p., 3 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Best College Search Websites, Reviewed (Top 10)
The Best College Search Websites, Reviewed (Top 10) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Not sure where to begin your college research? There are tons of online resources to help students match up with the right schools. In this article, I'll outline ten of the best sites to conduct your college search and then explain how to get started researching collegesusing three of the best sites. Within each section, the sites are ordered from the absolute best to those that are still good but not #1. Starting Out: The Best Data-Driven Sites to Begin Your College Search If you've just begun researching colleges and need some help finding schools you might be interested in, check out these sites to help get you started. College Boardââ¬â¢s Big Future This is a good place to find out about colleges if youââ¬â¢re just starting out in your search.It caters to students who might not know where to begin and guides you through the research process. There's a guide called"College Search Step-by-Step" for students who are unsure of how to go about the search process.It will ask specific questions about what you are looking for in a school and give you a "snapshot" of your preferences to help you decide where to apply. On the main college search page,you can find college matches based on different criteria that youââ¬â¢re interested in, or you can search for schools directly.You can also compare schools, but the amount of data is less staggering than some other sites, so it may be easier to digest. College InSight If youââ¬â¢re a more scientifically minded person, this site will probably appeal to you.You have the option to start your search witha specific college, a topic that interests you, or with building your own table of different variablesto compare schoolsacross any metric you choose. This site has a huge amount of data for each school that includes variables such as economic and racial diversity of the student body and extensive statistics on debt and financial aid.This is a helpful resource for comparing colleges side by side based on hard data.You can choose a ââ¬Å"focusâ⬠school and a ââ¬Å"comparisonâ⬠school, and the site will list the data for each school in table format.It's a good way to get an objective viewpoint on what each school is like. If youââ¬â¢re not as interested in looking at a bunch of data you may find this site to be overwhelming, but if youââ¬â¢re trying to findan easy way to compare school stats without having to create a profilethis is the place to go. This is just a screenshot of the top of the comparison charts - there are many more statistics that show up below this. College Navigator This site (put out by the National Center for Educational Statistics) doesnââ¬â¢t have the prettiest interface, but itââ¬â¢s useful for finding reliable data about any college in the country.If you already know what school you want, you can search for it directly.You can also search by state or even area code.There are filters for degree level and type of college as well, so you can search for just public or private colleges or just 4-year colleges. Each college has a page that lists relevant data including information about cost and financial aid, admissions, programs offered, graduation rates, athletics, and other general statistics. The downside of this site is that the information can be overwhelming and difficult to digest because there is so much data.If you prefer something less dry and scientific you might want to look elsewhere, but if youââ¬â¢re just looking for the facts with no frills this is a good resource. The Inside Scoop: Sites With the Best Student Feedback and College Matchmaking This next section highlights sites that are best for when you already have an idea of which schools you're thinking about and are interested in comparing them and learning more about whether they're really a good fit. Cappex This is a great site for comparing schools, calculating admissions chances, calculating financial aid, and just figuring out if a school is a good match for you in general.You will be asked to create a profile, which then allows the site to figure out which schools might work best based on what matters most to you.There are also student reviews, so in addition to comparing hard data you will also be able to compare how people feel about the school.Thereââ¬â¢s even a feature that helps you plan campus visits! This site has one of the best balances between comprehensive data and a user-friendly experience that tells you what you really want to know about colleges. It will even take you as far as your application! Each school that you put on your list of favorites has a link that takes you directly to the school's website where you can begin the application process. Chegg On Chegg's college matchmaking site, you can create a profile and see which schools might be right for you.This site can be very helpful in your college search because it lets you keep a running list of schools that youââ¬â¢re interested in once you create a profile. Design-wise, itââ¬â¢s nice to look at, andthe statistics are presented in a very user-friendly, simple way thatââ¬â¢s easy to understand.Youââ¬â¢ll also find grades based on student reviews for everything from campus dining to academics to the party scene, so you can get an inside look at what people really think about the school. Based on these grades, the site has lists of schools that have the ââ¬Å"best quality of lifeâ⬠, ââ¬Å"best merit aidâ⬠, and many other categories that may help you narrow down your search.Thereââ¬â¢s also a tool on each college page for you to enter your GPA and SAT/ACT scores and see your chances of admission.Oneissue with student ratings is that they are very subjective and may not always reflect the truth about the school.Before you take these as fact, make sure you also check out the schoolââ¬â¢s main website and see what they have to say about themselves. This site contains less hard data, but is relatively easy to use and makes the college search a little more fun (they even give grades for the attractiveness of the student body...very important in choosing your dream school). Niche This site gives you access totons of statistics as well as student reviews and letter grades for different aspects of student life(this is actually where the college grades on Chegg, a site I recommend later, come from).Youââ¬â¢ll also see lists of the best schools in different categories based on reviews. If youââ¬â¢re looking for a comprehensive overview of whatââ¬â¢s offered by colleges, this is a great resource.There are a lot of statistics to wade through, but you can also create a free profile and get matched up with colleges.This site is nice becauseit can get really technical and specific,but it also gives you the tools to search for schools without feeling too overwhelmed.You can keep a running list of schools that youââ¬â¢re interested in, and the site will help you notify representatives for these schools of your interest if you think any of them are especially good matches. One aspect of Niche that I'm not so crazy about is the amount ofdistracting promotions and ads for other related sitesthat are involved. It makes things a bit more cluttered and confusing to navigate and kind of turned me off from using this site despite the fact that it presents a lot of great information. College Confidential You might be familiar with College Confidential for its (sometimes less than trustworthy) discussion forums, but it also has a great college search feature.You can fill out your preferences in over 20 different categories including location, majors, Greek life, party scene, and special services.Based on your answers and how important these factors are to you, youââ¬â¢ll get matched with schools that fit you best (out of a database of over 4,500 schools that includes schools outside of the US). You can also create a list of schools that you like by ââ¬Å"pinningâ⬠your favorites.To narrow down your search even further, you can compare your top choices in different areas to see how they measure up against each other.You can save and share your lists if you want as well! Iââ¬â¢d recommend this as a starting point if you're not sure which schools youââ¬â¢re interested in - it will help you figure out whatââ¬â¢s most important to you and give you some initial ideas. It's super easy to pin and compare schools, although the information pages are a little confusing and not as nice to look at as the school matching interface. If you click on a school, you are linked out to another site called "College View" for the statistics, which makes things a bit harder to navigate compared to other sites where all information is internal. Unigo Get it? Go to Uni? It sounds like the Brits are responsible for this one, which made me suspicious, but this site is pretty cool.It has a modern design and includes tons of reviews in written and video format from students at the colleges.Based on student feedback, schools are rated on a scale of 1-10 for a bunch of different factors including campus safety, political activity, arts culture, Greek life, intellectual life, and more. Each college page has financial aid and admissions statistics, a built in map of the surrounding area, and statistics on student life such as the number of campus organizations and Greek houses.You can also make a list of schools and compare them across different metrics like tuition and selectivity. It does seem like theyââ¬â¢re still working on adding more statistics about academics, so this site is a bit light on data in some areas.Still, itââ¬â¢s fun to use and will give you a different perspective than other sites with its multimedia format; there are lots of pictures of schools from students in addition to the video reviews. Taking Action: The Best Sites to Learn About Paying for and Applying to College Once you have a pretty solid list of which colleges you want to apply to, you can use these sites to help you navigate college applications and paying for school. Fastweb This site is oriented towards helping students search for scholarships, but it will also help you find colleges that may interest you. You can set up an account for free that will allow you to locate colleges and scholarships that fit your specific needs.There are helpful blog articles on the site as well that have advice on scholarships and colleges. You can also search for student loans on Fastweb - you just have to answer a few questions and youââ¬â¢ll get a list of all your loan choices.This site is a nice user-friendly means of finding scholarships and loans that will help you to avoid getting too overwhelmed with your options. Itââ¬â¢s also a good site to keep in mind going forward, since it has resources for career planning and finding internship opportunities as well. If you're practically-minded and are serious about finding scholarships, you should definitely try this site out. You may want to use another platform for the college search process because Fastweb doesn't have as much information or tools for finding colleges as it does for finding scholarships and loans. Petersonââ¬â¢s This site is good for learning about application timelines and getting yourself organized for college as well as searching for schools that meet your criteria.There are articles with helpful tips about choosing colleges, applying to college, and getting financial aid and scholarships. You'll get fast stats about colleges and suggestions about other schools that you may like based on your searches. This isnââ¬â¢t my favorite site in terms of its presentation of college statistics. However, it does provide advice in other areas that is more specific than other sites and may help answer questions you have about the application process and how to actually follow through on your college decision. How to Start Your College Search Your mind is probably reeling from all of these options, so to make it easier, below is how we recommend you get started. The three sites described in this section are the best ones for beginning your college search, and I'll explain exactly how to use them. Step 1: Develop a Preliminarly List of Schools With Cappex As we mentioned above, Cappex is an excellent site for helping you figure out which types of schools you're interested in and which fit you well. Below are the steps to get the most out of Cappex. 1. Create a profile - you'll answer a lot of questions about your college preferences including location, size, selectivity, and religious affiliation as well as questions about your GPA and scores. This gives the site an idea of what colleges may fit with your needs. You also have the opportunity to enter in schools that interest you if you already have options in mind. 2. Play around with your Dashboard: this is where you'll see all the colleges that might fit your preferences. You'll be asked to select a region and a major so that the results are more tailored to you (don't worry - you can choose undecided if you aren't sure what you want to major in yet). You'll see a slider of different schools that looks like this: If you hover over any of the schools, you'll get an at-a-glance stats panel that shows you whether the school is public or private, its tuition rates, and the number of students. The first row of schools is for colleges that you may be interested in, and the second row is for colleges that are interested in you based on your level of high school achievement. 3. Click on the link inside the stats panel for any school that catches your interest. Once you get to the next page, you'll have a ton of information at your fingertips. One helpful feature that you probably want to check first is "Your Fit", which is the fourth button down on the left side panel. This gives you an easy way to tell if the college matches up well with the preferences you indicated in your profile. 4. Explore the college a little more. Think about other things that are important to you and whether they fit well with what the college offers. You'll notice that in each college profile you can comb through a huge database of information by clicking on the options on the left. Categories include everything from campus life to student reviews to application deadlines. Before you get too confused from all the information, try making a list of what you think will make you happy at college and target your browsing to the areas that matter most to you. 5. If you're feeling really good about a school, you can add it to the running list of colleges that is a part of your Cappex profile. Just click the "yes" button at the top of the screen where it asks if you're interested in the school. This will also notify the school that you are interested. If you fill out your profile completely, Cappex will also give you your chances of admission to a college if you click on "yes calculate my chances". Here's what your college list will look like: Notice that you can rank colleges by how much you like them, and if you update your profile you'll see your chances of admission as well. The list also makes it easy to compare colleges. If you click on the "compare" tab you can compare colleges side by side in admissions, tuition, diversity, and campus life (this could be a good way to give your parents the hard facts about why you prefer one school over another that they think is better). 6. After you're satisfied with your list, you can apply to schools by clicking on the "apply to college" link beneath every list entry. This will send you directly to the admissions site for the school and make it easy for you to get your application started. Step 2: Refine Your College List Using Chegg Once you've made a preliminary list of colleges with Cappex, we recommend next using Chegg to refine your list and see if there are any schools you missed. Below are the steps for getting the most out of Chegg. 1. Login through Facebook or sign up manually for a profile. Make sure you fill out as much information as you can in your profile so that your college matches will be as accurate as possible. 2. Click on the "Colleges" tab at the top of the screen, and you'll get to a page where you can search for schools by name or sort schools by your preferences. You can also look at lists of schools that are provided for you on the site based on student ratings for different things like "best food" or "most beautiful campus". You should also look at your "Matches", which are colleges selected for you based on the preferences you indicated in your profile. Just switch to the matches tab by clicking on it at the top of the screen: 3. Once you see a college that looks promising, go to the page for the school and start exploring the statistics and ratings. You can even look at your chances of admission based on your GPA and scores. Again, I would recommend writing down some factors that are important to you for a college before you dive into the stats so that you have a more focused approach. I think a good thing about this site is that it doesn't go too heavy on the nitty gritty statistics. It boils it down to the basic things you probably want to know and also gives you perspective from real students. 4. Add any college you think sounds good to your list of schools. Once you add a college to your list, you will have the option to fill out information that will allow colleges you are interested in to contact you. You can then compare up to five schools side by side based on scores, admission requirements, tuition, and other basic facts. This should help you narrow your search down significantly. 5. Take a look at other features of the site - you can also use Chegg to find scholarships and internships! Step 3: Search for Scholarships Using Fastweb Fastweb isthe best way to find scholarships, which is a super important part of the college application process. You can also find colleges on Fastweb, but it's not as streamlined as the other options. We recommend using Fastweb after you've used Cappex and Chegg to get a list of colleges you're interested in applying to. 1. Fill out a free profile, providing as many details as possible about your interests and strengths as possible. This will help you get matched to scholarships that are appropriate for your specific talents. 2. Click on "see my matches" in your profile to take a look at all the scholarships that are available to you: You can sort scholarships by deadline, amount, and provider. This is an awesome resource - instead of traversing the internet, you can see all of your potential scholarships right here. 3. If you click on the link for a scholarship and think you're interested, you can use the dropdown menu on the right to mark it as one that you "might apply" or "will apply" to;this will add it to your list under one of those tabs. This will make it easy for you to keep track of which scholarships interest you and which ones you promised yourself you would apply for (because we all know how easy it is to say you're going to apply and how hard it is to actually follow through). 4. You can also use this site to search for colleges (switch to the "colleges" tab at the top of the screen) and create a list of schools you're interested in. The list will look similar to the scholarship matches page: As I mentioned, the college search features on this site aren't quite as comprehensive as the others because there's no way to compare schools and there aren't as many student reviews or user-friendly statistics. You CAN use it to make a list, but I'd say Fastweb is mostly for scholarships. 5. If you want, start looking into your student loan options! This is a really daunting process that is made easier by the Student Lending Center feature under the Student Loans section of Fastweb. You can also get help with navigating the financial aid process under the Financial Aid tab and finding internships under the Career Planning tab. Basically, for anything involving the practical concerns associated with college, Fastweb is the best place to go. Conclusion The college search is a challenging, sometimes confusing process, especially when you're not sure where to start. I've given you the top ten sites I would recommend for finding colleges that fit your needs and a more detailed guide to the three sites that I think will be the most useful. Here are my overall rankings for the best sites to use in your college search: 1. Cappex2. Chegg3. Fastweb4. Niche5. College Confidential6. Peterson's7. College Board's Big Future8. College InSight9. Unigo10. College Navigator All of these sites will help you out in one way or another to narrow down your search, but I believe the top three have the best combination of user friendly format, solid information, and fun interactive features that are also very helpful to students. Remember to focus solely on what is most important to you in your search. You may have never heard of a school, but that doesn't mean it won't be a perfect fit. Be honest with yourself and you'll end up making a great choice! What's Next? Aiming high in your college search? Read this article on how to get into the top schools in the nation. If you're worried about your chances of getting into college period, check out this list of the easiest schools to get into. Building a killer college application is hard work. Find out the how to create a versatile application and what not to do in your college essay. The Common Application makes it easy to apply to a bunch of different schools but only fill out one application! Find out which schools accept the Common App. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Whats an Excellent SAT Score
What's an Excellent SAT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT score is one of the most important parts of your college applicationsbecause itââ¬â¢s one of the only things thatââ¬â¢s standardized. When all student applicants are taking the same exam, admissions officers can use it as a barometer to compare students that come from different backgrounds, educations, strengths, weaknesses, and intellectual abilities. If all students take the same exam, and all admissions officers look at those exam scores in the same way, then it should be easy to figure out what an excellent SAT score is, right? Not necessarily. Like most things, an excellent SAT score is all relative. In this post, Iââ¬â¢ll talk about different types of ââ¬Å"excellentâ⬠scores in relation to the entire US, your general peer group, your prospective colleges, and (maybe most importantly) yourself. A Note Before We Get Started: Percentiles When we discuss exam scores when compared to other groups - groups as big as the US student population or as small as your high school English class - we use percentiles. Percentiles are different from percentages. A percent scoretells you what portion of the exam you got correct, whereas a percentile score tells you how you did on the exam compared to everyone else who took it.For example, a percent score of 80% on an exam means that you got 80% of the questions correct. An 80th percentile score would mean that you scored better than 80% of the students who took thesame test. Percentile scores are more meaningful than percentages when we talk about SAT scores, because whatââ¬â¢s important is how you score when compared to other students.To give another example, let's say you take a very difficult exam in a large lecture course and only score a 50%. You might be disappointed because you'd assume you scored poorly. If you learned that everyone else in the class scored lower than 50% on their exam, you'd know that you scored in the 99th percentile - that changes your perception of your performance, right? Same thing goes for SAT scores. Excellent SAT Scores for the General US Population Talk about a big comparison group. If youââ¬â¢re new to the SAT and are unsure what SAT scores actually mean, comparing your scores to those of the general population isthe best place to start. The SAT score range isnââ¬â¢t necessarily intuitive, like an exam scored out of 100 points. Seeing how you ââ¬Å"rankâ⬠relative to all students is the best way to start understanding your own performance. As you probably know, the SAT is scored out of a total of 1600 points.The average composite SAT score is about 1000 points - around the 50th percentile. An "excellent" score relative to the general population will ultimately depend on your own definition of excellence. For the sake of this post, we'll say that an excellent score sits at about the 75th percentile. This means that if you score at or above the 75th percentile, your score is higher than at least 3/4 of all test-takers. So how do these (and other) percentiles translate into SAT scores? 25th percentile about 840 composite score 50th percentile about 1000 composite score 75th percentile about 1200composite score You can get more detailed information on SAT scores and percentiles here. Given this information, where do you think you would set your "excellence" cutoff? Excellent SAT Scores for Your Peer Group What matters when you apply to colleges isnââ¬â¢t necessarily how your performance compares to that of the rest of the high school students in the nation. What matters is how you compare to kids who are similar to you - similar in terms of background, geographical area, high school type, grades, extracurriculars. Youââ¬â¢ll have to stand out against your peers, not necessarily against a student who lives across the country from you with different interests, passions, and activities. In order to determine what SAT scores are considered "excellent" amongyour peers, you need to have a good general idea of what your peers' scores are. SAT scores can be a sensitive topic, so here are some tips for getting information on this: 1. Get average SAT scores for your high school.Some schools have a report available where you can see aggregated SAT scores from past students. If you're not sure about how to access this information, check in with a guidance counselor. They may have their own thoughts about what they consider excellent SAT scores for your school. 2. Get average SAT scores from your classmates. If you want to narrow down your comparative peer group even more, you could consider the average scores of other students in your classes. SAT scores from peers in honors classes should give you an even better idea of excellent peer scores. If you feel comfortable asking around, make an effort to do that - just make sure not to pressure anyone into sharing scores. Excellent SAT Scores for College So now that you have a good idea of how you compare to your peers, you can start figuring out your best target schools based on SAT scores. Now, SAT scores are important for getting you into college, but people donââ¬â¢t tend to care about them once you get in. Your SAT scores donââ¬â¢t have to be at the top of the range (e.g. at the 75th percentile) for the schools youââ¬â¢re interested in attending - that would mean 75% of attending students were accepted with lower scores. Ultimately, they just have to be good enough to get your application considered. (Exception:if you anticipate that your application will be weak in other areas, higher SAT scores than other applicants will help your admissions case.) The best way to figure out what SAT score is likely to get you into a particular school is to look up the school's "middle 50" SAT scores. The middle 50 is the range of student scores between the 25th percentile and the 75th percentile - so if you ranked all the students in a college's class by SAT scores, this would be the score range for the 50% of students standing right in the middle. You can find detailed instructions on figuring out a school's optimal SAT score range. If your SAT is in the top 25% of scores for schools that you're considering (and your application is otherwise strong),you may want to consider applying to more competitive schools. By more competitive, I mean schools with higher average SAT scores and lower admissions rates.There are many benefits to attending a better-ranked school: it's likely to be more intellectually challengingand to have a stronger student body due to a more selective admissions process. A more prestigious school also sends a better "signal" to graduate programs and future employers, potentially leading to better income and career outcomes. If you'd like more information about optimal application strategies, check out our guides on reach and safety schools. Excellent SAT Scores for Yourself Time for some realistic self-evaluation. So you've considered what "excellent" SAT scores are relative to the country, your peers, and your target schools. Although these are all helpful comparison groups, there's one very important factor we have yet to take into consideration: your own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Excellent scores by more objective standards may come easier to some students than others. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself based on these standards will be frustrating and unhelpful; setting "easy" goals for yourself based on these standards will mean that you sell yourself short. In order to come out of this process with both strong scores and your sanity intact, it's important to consider your own abilities when determining what SAT scores are "excellent." So how do you figure out what an excellent SAT score means for you? 1. Get a baseline score. Study for 10 hours in order to gain basic familiarity with the test and its content before taking a practice test. This will give you a baseline score to work from. Students can often improve 160+ points from baseline with additional test preparation. 2. Reach your own score maximum. Students usually reach a max limit after 40-80 hours of effective, focused studying. Getting that much prep in will mean you are dedicating yourself to excellence by your own standards. How Do You Prepare to Earn Excellent SAT Scores? You might have a roughrange in mind for those excellent scores you're hoping to earn. If not, you'll hopefully get a good baseline score to work from based on the guidelines above. Once you're ready to start working up towards that range, follow the guidelines here for an effective SAT preparation plan: 1. Set a timeline. If you're going to prepare for the SAT, you'll need a reasonable study plan based on how much time you have before the exam. Get instructions on how to do this here. 2. Set a goal score.You won't have anything to work towards if you don't set a challenging, but realistic, goal score for yourself. Start by looking up the "middle 50" SAT score ranges for target schools. You can get up-to-date information on these scores by Googling"[school name] PrepScholar admissions requirements." 3. Stick to a study plan. You can work from a study planspecifically for sophomores, juniors, or seniors, or you can come up withyour own. Try scheduling study sessions in your calendar ahead of time, or letting your parents in on your plan so they can hold you accountable. The better you stick to your plan, the more effective your studying will be. What's Next? Motivated to start bringing up those SAT scores? Here areguides to setting your timeline, SAT reading, SAT writing, and SAT math. If you are running out of time to improve your scores, not to worry - we have last-minute strategy guides as well! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
My Inspirational Designers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
My Inspirational Designers - Essay Example During these days he commercialized his skills by creating different types of products like combs, power tools, televisions, ceramics etc. he designed modern toilets for companies under influence from marine biology books. Jonathan was fascinated with the activity of constructing objects as well as taking them apart right from his childhood. He is remembered for his products that he has created at Apple computers particularly the I-pod and the I-phone. Now he is based in California and pursues the art and activity of making very interesting electronic models. Frustrated with working as an external consultant, in 1992, he moved to California to join Apple computers. He joined the design team as a full time member. During his entry into Apple, the company was in a low profile. Steve Jobs was out and there was a legal battle going on over patent rights with Windows. Apple was fast losing its ground to Windows and also was unprofitable. In the year 1997, Steve Jobs returned and Jonathan was appointed senior vice president, design of Apple. Under the new job, he began a period characterized with unrivalled creativity as well as innovations. The company launched the iMac G3 under the influence of Jonathan. This launch is widely regarded as the rebirth of Apple. From this model onwards nothing could stop both Jonathan and Apple in launching new and improved products in the market with great effect. They launched the iBook as well as the power book within a short span of time. The various designs of Jonathan always bring refreshing plainness as well as stylishness. Many of Jonathanââ¬â¢s products are simple in nature and are influenced by natural objects. For example, the iMac G4 was influenced by the sun flower. The Pro mouse was inspired by droplet of water. He reduces the use of plastics in his products and uses more eco friendly metals. He is a modest and shy person who is reluctant to come into the limelight. On his work, Jonathan
Friday, November 1, 2019
Calculated Versus Observed Underwater Sound Speed Essay
Calculated Versus Observed Underwater Sound Speed - Essay Example The speed of sound in air is approximately figured out by the formula . . . speed of sound (m/s) = 331.5 + 0.60 T(C). The speed or velocity, at which sound travels through water was first researched by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687 when he found that measurements of sound in fluids relied only on the physical properties of the fluid, such as elasticity and density (Funk & Wagnalls). The speed of sound in water is about four times greater than that in air. Although this seems to contradict the physical law that the denser the gas, the slower the speed of sound, the sound speed is actually determined more by the elasticity of the medium (Urick, 1983). In 1822, Daniel Colloden used an underwater bell in an attempt to calculate the speed of sound underwater in Lake Geneva, Switzerland. His attempts resulted in figures remarkably close to today's accepted values (Acoustics . . . 2006). But sound speed cannot be discussed without mention of Jaque Sturm, French mathematician, who made the first accurate measurements of sound velocity in water in 1826. World War I created a great necessity to study the propagation of sound under water, with more progress in World War II and increased understanding from current research (Funk & Wagnalls). ... His attempts resulted in figures remarkably close to today's accepted values (Acoustics . . . 2006). But sound speed cannot be discussed without mention of Jaque Sturm, French mathematician, who made the first accurate measurements of sound velocity in water in 1826. World War I created a great necessity to study the propagation of sound under water, with more progress in World War II and increased understanding from current research (Funk & Wagnalls). The fact that sound moves in a straight line in a medium of equal density (ibid.) led to studies of water variables. Sonar's accuracy depends upon: 1. The reflection of sounds propagated in water. 2. Whether sound is reflecting or refracting. 3. Levels of salinity, while generally constant in the open ocean, greatly changes how sound travels through shallow water. 4. Temperature, a foremost factor in sound speed calculations, usually becomes lower at greater depths of water, decreasing sound speed at about 3 m/sec per degree Celsius. Below 1000m, though, temperature becomes generally constant and pressure is the predominant consideration. But a depth change of about 165m can cause the same change in sound speed as a one-degree temperature drop. Acoustic Tomography (a type of underwater CT scan) and Sofar Floats are examples of technologies and instruments that measure the movement of large scale ocean water mass. A unique feature of the ocean is the Sofar Channel in the upper regions of the deep ocean. In this layer of the ocean, at about 1250 meters below the surface in the northwest Atlantic, the temperature and pressure act to provide a "long range acoustic path or channel"(Acoustic . . . 2006). The SOFAR float is an instrument designed to be neutrally buoyant at a certain depth and
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